Cognitif Cybernetic with Chryzode

D-1- New models to represent a set of neurons in interaction.

Among the obstacles encountered by the experimenter at the time of his search, let us recognize at least 3 essential aspects that it will be necessary to recompose like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

1)the extreme density of the neuronal system 
Initially we have to manage and  to model a part of the incredible number of neurons present in the brain, 40 billion at birth, about 10 to 14 billion in adult life. The more so as each neuron has thousands of interconnections with other neurons. 

2)Fitting and superposition of the processing 
Then, the anatomical superposition of the neurons layers of the geniculate body (neurons alternately coming from the right eye and  from the left eye) and of the cortex too (the six different resolutions layers) invite us to consider the " millefeuille " technique to be another basic principle of the cognitive system. 
This makes us take the course of informations into account, in the superposition and the overlap of various levels of processing, like waves scaling various levels.

3) Discretization of information
Finally we must more effectively represent the "discretization" of the passage of information in a diagram. When information passes through the synapses, temporarly a kind of dense network is created, formed by all the points of intersection between the neurons.

D-2- Circular network

Faced with these difficulties, the new idea origin of the system to represent chryzodes lies in the use of a CIRCLE, a RING calibrated as a ClOCK and in which we represent paths, circuits between a set of elements in interaction, by lines.
For example, to illustrate the possible interactions between a set of 9 elements, we use a circle on which we determine 9 equidistant points placed on the circumference. We say its module is  9. 
We then connect each of the 9 points with all the other elements. The possible interactions between each element are thus represented by vectors connecting the corresponding points.  

By granting a numerical value to each of these points, we make possible to carry out a bijection of the set of real numbers on the circumference.

ex. 1
This arithmetical special characteristic enables us to study the model starting from the laws governing the field of numbers. The way is tempting for, from quantum mechanics to the perception of harmonics of a violin, the arithmetical properties play a fundamental role.

D-3- Superposition of star polygons in various modules
